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  • SRU


    Alison Brown 6th Grade Science Teacher

    Email: Alison.Brown@PPSD.org   


    Molly Burke 6th Grade ELA Teacher

    Email: Molly.Brown@PPSD.org


    Heather Polo 6th Grade Math Teacher

    Email: Heather.Polo@PPSD.org  


    Karey Bouvier 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher

    Email: Karey.Bouvier@PPSD.org


    Jeffrey Hebert Physical Education Teacher 

    email: Jeffrey.Hebert@ppsd.org


    Emily Burke Art Teacher 

    email: Emily.Burke@ppsd.org


    Kimberly Lanni Special Education Teacher (Inclusion/hybrid)

    email: kimberly.lanni@ppsd.org


    Bathany Davis Special Education 

    email: Bethany.Davis@ppsd.org