• Jonas Genao & Ismerai Nunez

  • Seniors at Alvarez High School

    "I would say the professors that I've had pushed me to do my best and try my best. I like to be challenged."

    What are your plans after high school?

    IN: I plan to go to a 4-year college - URI. I chose URI because, financially, it was my best option. I was interested in their criminal justice and psychology program. At a young age, I had a violent experience with someone very close to me. I was there when there was an incident. After that, I didn't want anyone to go through that experience. I don't know the specific job I want to do, but I want to help people and help prevent incidents like this.

    I applied to URI through the Talent Development Program. Talent Development recruits and serves Rhode Island high school graduates with college potential who come from historically disadvantaged backgrounds, a majority of whom are scholars of color. The goal of the program is access, opportunity, affordability, and completion.


    JG: Next year, I am going to go to URI and pursue a major in computer science. I had to debate between two schools and thought that URI's Talent Development program would be good. I also looked at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Clark University. I will live at URI the first year as required by the program. Also, the school is not far from home, from my family.

    I love the creativity you can implement into computer science. I love math. Anything you can incorporate math into, I love. You can create many things with computer science. Necessary things as well as fun. It has a wide range of creativity in it.


    Why did you choose Alvarez?

    IN: I was unaware that there were school choices when I first started. I came during COVID. I took a test and they placed me here. I have met good people. I've had really good professors.

    I would say the professors that I've had pushed me to do my best and try my best. I like to be challenged. I don't like to take the easy way.


    JG: I chose Alvarez because of the distance. I was new to the country. I came here in 8th grade from the Dominican Republic. It was the closest to my house so I chose Alvarez. My experience had its ups and downs. Obviously being new to the country, everything was different. My first year was good, but then COVID hit and things started to get messy. I have not been involved in that many extracurricular activities. But I have been involved in career development classes like computer science and done many AP classes. Also outside of school, I did a leader development program, HOBEY. I did an Aritificial Intelligence boot camp with Mark Cuban. It was virtual.


    Is there a teacher who has made a big impact on you?

    IN: Mr. Chandley, I see him all the time here. He is a computer science professor. I am not really great at computers but he made the class fun. He made it possible for my senior year to take another class with him. He helped me. We had a good time.


    JG: Mr. Chandley, my computer science teacher. He has been my mentor in Computer Science. We started learning and we discussed a lot of topics in computer science as well as outside topics like books and scuh. He has kind of been my best friend while I have been here.


    Most memorable experience?

    IN: Prom last year and this year. I am going this year with a group of CCRI students. I am technically done with high school and am doing the rest of the year with the Alvarez and CCRI students. The whole program made us have a really great relationship.

    The frist semester at CCRI, I did my high school core classes that I needed to graduate. My second semester, I did classes towards my major. So I took cirminal procedure, criminology, and general psychology. I also took a fourth class online. If I pass the classes, I get full college credits. So when I start URI I will start with 24 credits. I will probably need 3 years to graduate now. Since I want to get a masters, it will probably be more years.


    JG: I got a 3 on my AP Computer Science test. And that day, I was not feeling well and I was so prepared but then felt terrible. And then I saw the results and got a passing score.


    What are you nervous or excited about after graduation?

    IN: Right now, I am nervous for graduation because I am Valedictorian and I have to make a speech. I am not the type of person who talks a lot in public. But if I have to do it, I have to do it. It is my responsibility. After graduation, I am nervous for life. I will be living on campus and I know that I have my parents here who will help me and support me. But I want to try to do things my way and see what I am capable of doing. I am nervous and excited for what is ahead of me.


    JG: I am really excited to start university. I want to meet more people. I am excited to start my professional life. I have no fears. I feel calm and excited.