Office of Leadership Development

  • Professional Development

    The Leadership Development office is transforming the way we identify and train our aspiring leaders through the Providence Public School pipeline. We are committed to the development of turnaround leaders who wish to pursue a position as an assistant principal or principal in Providence Public Schools within the next 1-2 years. All Assistant Principals participate in hands-on learning experiences that will enable them to define and exemplify leadership excellence in order to achieve student success, engage families and the community, develop other leaders, manage systems, operations and resources within Providence Public Schools.


    TLeadership Teamhe Leadership Development Department’s Vision: The Leadership Development team will improve the overall capacity of PPSD leaders by;

    • Creating conditions and systems for planning, facilitating, supporting and evaluating high quality professional learning
    • Work in collaboration with partnerships to empower schools and departments to produce high quality professional learning experiences
    • Ensure that learning experiences are directly aligned to the PPSD Tap Initiative for leadership development and research-based practices.


    High quality learning experiences embrace all phases of the learning process from knowledge and skills development, acquisition to application, reflection, refinement, assessment and evaluation.