• Israel Abimael Ajqui Morente - Class of 2024

  • Israel

    "Throughout his time at A-Venture, he has not only gained knowledge and skills but also invaluable life lessons that will serve him well in the years ahead."

    Israel's journey leading up to A-Venture graduation has been extraordinary. His determination, perseverance, and resilience in the face of challenges are nothing short of inspiring. When the path he chose may have been unconventional, his achievements speak volumes about his character and commitment to education. Graduating from a non-traditional school as an aged and under-credited student is a testament of his unwavering dedication to rewriting his story and seizing every opportunity for growth and learning. Israel has defied the odds, overcome obstacles, and emerged stronger and more determined than ever before. Throughout his time at A-Venture, he has not only gained knowledge and skills but also invaluable life lessons that will serve him well in the years ahead. He has discovered the power of resilience, the importance of perseverance, and the limitless potential that lies within him. As he embarks on this new chapter of his life, he should know that his journey does not end here; it is merely the beginning of a new adventure filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. Israel should keep striving for greatness, continue to pursue his passions, and never lose sight of his dreams. As he walks across the stage to receive his diploma, he is not only celebrating a significant academic achievement but also a triumph of the human spirit. His graduation is a testament of his courage, determination, and unwavering commitment to success.

  • Grace Bautista Dygert - Class of 2024

  • "Her commitment to her studies has not only demonstrated her academic prowess but has also provided her with valuable insights into her future career path."

    Grace is a dedicated and ambitious senior who has truly made the most of her high school experience. Taking full advantage of the dual enrollment program at CCRI, she has excelled in her college courses, earning straight A's. Her commitment to her studies has not only demonstrated her academic prowess but has also provided her with valuable insights into her future career path. Through her time spent studying psychology, Grace has discovered her passion for understanding the human mind and behavior. With her exceptional grades and newfound clarity in her aspirations, Grace is poised to pursue a fulfilling journey in the field of psychology, where her intellect and compassion will undoubtedly make a profound impact.