Careers and Certification Information

Providence Schools employs approximately 3,500 people; over 2,000 are certified teachers. Providence Schools posts all educator and administrator positions online and is in the process of transitioning all support position applications to its online platform as well.

Rhode Island-certified teachers:

View the status of all your current credentials using RICERT:

Out-of-state certified teachers:

Apply for RIDE certification or learn about RI's reciprocity with other states:

Not yet certified - explore paths to teaching:

Emergency certification:

  • In instances where no certified candidates are available to fill a position or the most highly qualified candidate for a position is not fully certified, Providence Schools will support a candidate for an "emergency permit"
  • Candidates for emergency permits must:
    • Submit a RIDE Application for Issuance/Renewal of an Emergency Permit
    • Pay a $200 processing fee to the RI Department of Education for each requested permit area (check made out to "General Treasurer, State of Rhode Island" - submit to HR with application)

Emergency permit renewal requires:

  • Satisfactory job performance
  • Successful completion of RIDE specified renewal requirements.

Teacher Assistant / Paraprofessional resources:

Get more information on Rhode Island certification:
Write to or call (401) 222-4600