• ESL Programs



    Newcomer ESL


    What is the goal of the program?

    The goal is for students to become familiar with the U.S school system and to become 

    proficient in English.


    Who is it for? 

    • MLL students in grades 2-12, who have had at least 2 years of limited or interrupted formal education and who have limited/no literacy skills in their native language.
    • Multilingual Learners with an Overall Composite score of 1.0-1.9 on the grade-appropriate WIDA test. 


    Who is in the class?

    Only MLLs who meet the above criteria.


    How much ELD (English Language Development) do MLLs receive in this program?

    All MLLs in the Newcomer program will receive two (2) daily period of ELD targeted to their level of English proficiency, and sheltered content instruction in all content areas.


    Who ELD in this program?

      An ESL-certified teaches ELD.


    Sheltered ESL


    What is the goal of the program?

    The goal is for students to become proficient in English.


    Who is it for? 

    • MLLs with an Overall Composite score of 1.0-2.9 on the grade-appropriate WIDA test. 
    • Multilingual learners who have received MLL services for less than 2 years.


    Who is in the class?

    MLLs who meet the above criteria.


    How much ELD (English Language Development)?

    All MLLs in the Sheltered ESL program will receive two (2) daily periods of ELD targeted to their level of English proficiency, and sheltered content instruction in all content areas.


    Who teaches ELD in this program?

    An ESL-certified teacher teaches ELD.


    Who teaches core content in this program?

    • In Elementary, an ESL-certified techer teaches all core content instruction.
    • In Secondary, all core content classes are tught by either an ESL-certified teacher or a teacher who has received training on sheltered content instruction strategies for MLLs.


    Integrated ESL


    What is the goal of the program?

    The goal is for students to become proficient in English.


    Who is it for? 

    • MLLs at the elementary level with an Overall Composite score of 3.0+ on the grade-appropriate WIDA test OR
    • MLLs with Overall Composite score between 1.0-2.9 AND have been enrolled in U.S. school for 4 years or more.


    Who is in the class?

    50% ELs who meet the criteria above and 50% General Education students 


    How much ELD (English Language Development) do MLLs receive in this program?

    All MLLs in an Integrated ESL program receive at least 1 daily period of ELD targeted to their level of English proficiency, and sheltered content instruction in all content areas.


    Who teaches ELD in this program?

    An ESL-certified teacher teaches ELD.



    EL Collaborative


    What is the goal of the program?

    The goal is for students to become proficient in English.


    Who is it for? 

    • MLLs with an Overall Composite score of 3.0+ on the grade-appropriate WIDA test OR
    • MLLs with Overall Composite score between 1.0-2.9 AND have been enrolled in U.S. school for over 4 years


    Who is in the class?

    Students are placed in a General Education classrooms where the majority of the class 

    is comprised of General education students. 


    How much ELD (English Learning Development) do MLLs receive in this program?

    MLLs receive 1 to 2 daily periods of ELD targeted to their level of English proficiency, and sheltered content instruction in all content areas.


    Who teaches ELD in this program?

    An ESL-certified teacher teaches ELD.


    Who teaches core content in this program?

    Core content is taught by an ESL-certified teacher or a teacher who has received training on sheltered content instruction strategies for MLLs.