Providence Schools is committed to supporting one of our most vulnerable population – students facing homelessness. Many families struggle with the day-to-day challenges of life while they simultaneously strive to find employment, secure stable housing and provide food and shelter for their family.


    Providence Schools care about every single student enrolled in our schools and their families. The City of Providence is filled with many supportive agencies and the district will do all that is possible to connect families with local and state organizations, private or non-profit, to help guide the path to self-sufficiency and social and emotional stability.


    Every homeless student has the right to a free, equitable and quality education. Identifying students and families is the biggest challenge. If you or a family you know is living temporarily with another family, shelter, hotel, mobile home or in a car or street call the Family and Community Engagement Office for assistance at 401-456-0686.


    The FACE Office can help with:

    • Answering questions and concerns about the district or school.
    • Enrolling in school with flexibility for required documents.
    • Connecting you to transportation services, in district or out of district, for a school bus to and from school, RIPTIKs or RIPTA monthly bus passes, as appropriate and necessary.
    • Receiving free and reduced priced lunch for any grade.
    • Participating in afterschool or extra curriculum activities.
    • Providing basic school supplies and referral for clothing.
    • Providing guidance and connections to helpful resources for youth who are on their own.
    • Helping with translation.
    • Connecting you with other local and state resources.


    McKinney Vento Act (click here)


    FAQs (click here)



    * Providence Schools Homeless Liaison

    Janet Pichardo 401-456-9100 x12121


  • Social Services

  • Housing

  • Food Pantries

  • Clothing

  • Health

  • Homeless Advocacy